The story---This purse was made with myself in mind. When shopping for a purse I am always counting pockets. I love to be organized and I love to have a place for every thing in my purse. (Kangaroo carriers, just don't work unless you have a big purse.) Also I can never find a purse that is Camouflage or even slightly Military looking. These are all things that I like. When I do find a purse that I like usually its a bust because it doesn't have enough pockets.
So on a long trip to Charlotte,NC, I went ahead and stitched it all together. This purse has everything that I want and could want. I added in a pocket to the front for pens and also my cell phone. (its the perfect size!)
The inside I designed to hold a small notebook and pens and also a special place for my wallet (as depicted in the picture below) The bottom that you can see (where the seam ripper is) is about 8 inches deep and you can put a full sized not book in there.
The outside can have more pockets and also can have a key ring put in that you would be able to put your keys. So that you never lose them again.